Month: Mar 2010


What is the transformation agenda of higher learning education in the so called South Africa? That is question that confronts this country. In early nineties the song that was sang by student leaders, academics, political parties and all constituencies from disadvantaged community on transformation, was that there should be greater access to institution linked to removal of academic exclusion, free education for primary degrees or Diplomas, removal of financial exclusion, curriculum review, greater excess to educational facilities and an end of discrimination in any form including racial, religious and gender.

There was a legitimate expectation that when a democratic government takes over, the legislative framework and bureaucratic environment will be changed to ensure that these principles are encourage and enforced. The evidence is that the same issues are still part of today’s student struggles in University of Limpopo, University of Pretoria, University of Venda, Tshwane University of Technology and University of KwaZulu-Natal, just to name high profile cases.


The significance of March 21, 1960, in the history of the liberation struggle is often played down to the level of raising worldwide sympathy for victims of apartheid and to commemorate the Sharpeville-Langa massacre. For the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) it represented and still represents the beginning of the end of settler colonialism through a roll-out of the Positive Action Campaigns, until final victory, in terms of which the African people were urged to take their destiny into their own hands.

Positive action was a phrase, akin to mass action, that would lead to a groundswell of defiant activities which forms an insurrection until the apartheid system was brought to its knees. The pass book was a badge of slavery for Africans to carry around their necks as a daily reminder that they were temporary in white South Africa. The powers that be panicked and shot peaceful demonstrators who demanded to be arrested without bail, without defense, and without fine.


On March 21 this year, the PAC will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre. On the 6th April last year, the PAC’s 50th anniversary was rather a damb squib. After two weeks, the organization’s performance at the polls was dismal. The blame for the dismal performance can’t rest squarely on the lap of the party. There are some factors that engender this poor performance, chief among which is the illegal use by the ruling party of state organs to infiltrate and destroy the PAC, skewed political party funding and a tendentious Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). In addition, the ruling party is using covert and overt methods to try to obliterate the PAC physically from our collective psyche.


After several years of independence struggle, Nkrumah and the people of Ghana, with support from fellow Africans, at home and abroad, succeeded finally in liberating Ghana from colonial shackles – at least politically. That happened on 6 March 1957. There was a need, however, for the sustainable economic liberation of Ghanaians. That way their political independence would be rendered more meaningful.

As every economist would agree, Nkrumah saw Ghana, a nation with a little over six million people at the time, as economically unviable, as it could not possibly benefit from the kind of economies of scale needed to survive and compete fairly on the international market. Naturally, he sought to help Africa decolonize, using every means possible, so that through their collective power as a giant nation – the Nation of Africa- would pool their resources together and become competitive economically, have a voice on the international stage, and collectively push for the interests of Africa.

The West, however, realized that, a United Africa, with a socialist development agenda, together with its natural resources


Readers can read The Star, The Independent, Business Day, Sunday Times, Mail & Guardian, City Press and Sowetan or watch Morning Liveor listen to Morning Live or Radio 702 for the whole year or most mainstream media, they will never learn about issues that matter to them like the nefarious intentions of the United States towards Africa. Media outlets in South Africa don’t raise awareness among the masses about what the US’s reckless campaign to dominate the world and take control of the world’s energy resources. Instead these media outlets just report non-issues, in fact sublime nonsense.

These media houses have spent the better part of the 1980’s to date canonizing Nelson Mandela, who has been officially declared a sell-out by the struggle activist and long standing ANC leader (Winnie Mandela), while wasting our time and distracting our attention from issues that matter. On the other hand, politicians are busy lining their pockets, as seen with the fly- by-night ANCYL millionaires taking after ANC leaders, while criminals are busy terrorizing ordinary citizens, instead of fighting against US expansionism on the continent and other parts of the globe.

Already I have said it on Goitsemodimo Seleka’s Motsweding FM Sekolo sa Bosigo radio show on the 1st or 2nd July 2008, that US Presidents are not in charge in the US but that wealthy powerful ruling families control governments. So I am not going to talk about Barack Obama. Obama is a pawn in a global chess game. He was instructed to select former US Marine General James Jones as US National Security Advisor with an expanded scope of the job to give the advisor the kind of authority once wielded by Henry Kissinger during the Nixon administration, and Zbigniew Brzezinski during the Carter administration.


We are gathered here today to remember, honour and celebrate the life of a man whose death has left not only sorrow, grief and nostalgia but also in disarray, confusion, disorganization and lack of leadership or direction in the ranks of the PAC. For 32 years now members of the PAC have been looking for a leader who does not exist but who only exists in their minds and wishful thinking. The Party has experienced endemic and continuous crises that have led to the scattering, drifting away, marginalization and loss of some of its best cadres through disappointment, despondent, despair, tiredness, demoralization, de-motivation but also because of opportunism and corruptibility by a few others who were not prepared to leave the ‘gravy train’ pass by while there was time as this is seen as the phase or era of benefits. Sobukwe and many others who did not see 1994 toiled for no benefits and some who lived to see 1994 have yet to enjoy the fruits of freedom or liberation.

Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe Remembered. (Source: Graaff-Reinet Publicity Association)

At the time we remember, honour and celebrate this great man, the party he founded and led briefly has lost shape, identity and soul. It is unrecognizable because it is neither heard nor visible; its voice has been deliberately and systematically stifled and choked by those who fear the truth and their puppets and agents who are aiding and abetting in the destruction of this Party of the African masses. The space of the party of Sobukwe is occupied by those who pay lip service to the interests and aspirations of the masses of the poor and have-nots who have yet to enjoy the fruits of the freedom they and their children sacrificed and suffered for. Their material conditions have yet to change radically 15 years since national freedom was attained in April 1994. They continue to live in abject poverty and squalor and ravaged by HIV/AIDES, tuberculosis and many other common diseases. The majority are still illiterate, semi-literate and ignorant in this era of information technology and globalization.

The unchanged situation is characterized by socio-economic inequalities and disparities that obtained during the apartheid era and have been carried forward into new South Africa and are perpetuated and sustained by the new African political, bureaucratic and business elites in partnership with the apartheid elites and this is what constitutes neo-colonialism known as new South Africa or the Rainbow nation buttressed by reconciliation without justice. This is the Mandela and Tutu order which has meant the maintenance and perpetuation of the apartheid status quo or the apartheid property relations buttressed by the most liberal constitution that does not serve the interests and aspirations of the masses of the African people who are crying for leadership as they did prior to the Sharpeville and Langa Massacres.

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