New World Order
New World Order
The current world affairs are manipulated by the financial dynasties, being the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds and their centralized banking cartel, being the Federal Reserve Bank. These are some of the prominent American and European ruling families who control the world by virtue of the fact that they control the world’s natural resources. They organize themselves under the banner of private and secret organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and many others.
The aim of these groups is to establish a one-world dictatorial government which they call the “New World Order”. In South Africa there was the Broederbond which is now called the Afrikanerbond. In the US the dominant secret society is the Skull and Bones which recruits from Yale University. Well known members of this group are George Bush, his father and Senator John Kerry.
Prior to the 1994 general election Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan criticized then ANC President who eventually became South Africa’s President Nelson Mandela saying he raised funds from the wrong people; the Rockefellers. In the early 1990’s Harry Oppenheimer was funding the ANC to the tune of R15 million a year. And when there was a fallout between the ANC and Oppenheimer and he withheld the funding, the Rothschilds picked up the tap until the ANC and Oppenheimer made up. These guys don’t fund organizations without getting anything in return, a sort of a quid pro quo deal. He who pays the piper calls the tune. What has the ANC given in exchange for the funds they got from the controllers of the world?
Those who still remember, around 1991/92 Mandela shocked many people except the controllers of the world when he announced that African people should not have false expectations and recanted his previous statements concerning nationalization. It was his administration which in 1996 adopted the neo-liberal economic policy of the Washington Consensus called Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy which I criticized in the New Nation weekly newspaper of 16 August 1996. At that time Cosatu said it had mixed feelings but after my article they took a firm stand against GEAR. The PAC also failed to adopt the anti-GEAR position and run with it. The PAC should weed out agents of the controllers of the world in their midst.
The Vatican is also one of the institutions that are fighting for the establishment of the “New World Order”. David Yallop’s book, In God’s Name is a helpful resource in understanding the workings of the Vatican. Another one is The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan. The Vatican is supposed to be the headquarters of Catholics but it is a state within a state and has embassies in many countries including South Africa.
The people who control the world control key strategic resources such as energy and currency. They now want to control food production through the contamination of our natural seeds by their genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). Once our soils are contaminated we are going to depend on GMO’s which they have patented and this patenting is going to be enforced through the World Trade Organization (WTO) which, like the United Nations (UN), is controlled by the same people.
The UN is for the international bankers who control the world and it is being used to collect debts for the same bankers. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans and the whole caboodle control the world’s central banks. One Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Give me control of a country’s currency and I don’t care who makes its laws”.
The International bankers are interested in creating a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. To students and graduates who are studying and who have studied Economics, Political Science, Public Administration and Commerce, have you ever been taught all these revelations? Those who are still students ask your lecturers and Professors why they don’t teach you about what is happening on the ground, about reality. Even those leaders you have elected to lead you are just as ignorant. So you are being led by blind people who will lead you into a precipice. Everybody should read Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth.
Those who have more interests on this subject can consult the following references: Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper, The New World Order & The Throne Of The antichrist by Robert O’Driscoll, Des Griffin et al, En Route To Global Occupation by Gary Kah, The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen, Judge for Yourself by John Judge, Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs and Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley.
By Sam Ditshego
Thats y jay-z american rapper using the name rockafella, it means that side(usa) they knw of ths things better than us here
following a discussion on Motsweding F M, I was asked to recap the discussion by some of the listeners so I chose PAYCO’s website because the mainstream newspapers won’t publish the article such as the one under discussion. I’m saying this from experience. The articles like National Identity, EPA’s were rejected by the Sowetan but were published by Mayihlome and a Kenyan magazine. I am interested to hear especially from students what their views are. The factors that are said to have caused the 1st and 2nd World Wars are not the real ones that caused those wars. To understand the wickedness of secret societies, read Morals and Dogma written by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike. This book is difficult to get. It can be googled.
I came to know about this new world order from my church so brother man you are bringing the mysteries of the bible to the out, the man of sin who control the world. he control the world through world council of church and through those three rich familie. read the book of revelation in your bible to see if you can understand what 666 is or the harlot. vertican city.
yah,talk about the mother of harlots;mystery babylon is the catholic church and harlots are the small churches that emanated from the roman christan phylosophy! fire to the anti christ,babylon ya days r numbered for sure.
response to the question regarding 666. it is the mark of the beast. i am aware of what the book of revelations says about this issue i think it is discussed in chapter 13.
chapter 17 you will find the vetican city the seed of all.
katlego matsie’s comment is noted. i still want to hear from students if they asked their lecturers and professors why they don’t give them the real stuff. another book that is helpful is ‘the fourth reich of the rich’.
Jay-Z is using the name because he like many hip-hop artists he has been bought buy the illuminati. He is one of their servants to promote their New World Order agenda. Check out the Illuminati in Hip-Hop on You Tube. It is shocking!
” How Citibank and JP MORGAN Crafted Argentina’s Shock Therapy Program, January 2006
Link in Spanish http://lavaca.org/seccion/actualidad/1/1268.shtml
In this interview with the Lavaca Collective, historian Alejandro Olmos Gaona reveals that the banks JP MORGAN and Citibank wrote Argentina’s shock therapy program. Accoreding to Gaona, the economic plan mandated, “ the privatization of utilities, the labor law reform, the privatization of the pension system. It is all laid out with great attention to detail…. one believes that the economic plan pursued since 1992 was Domingo Cavallo’s creation, but that’s not the way it is.”
” Interview with Domingo Cavallo, January 2002
Link http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitextlo/int_domingocavallo.html
Argentina’s former Economy Minister discusses the impact of Argentina’s shock therapy measures, stating that 700,000 workers were fired during this period. ”
” JPMORGAN Chase has an International Council which provides advice to the bank’s leadership on economic, political and social trends across various regions and around the world. The International Council is chaired by TONY BLAIR, former Prime Minister of the UK, who also sits as an adviser to Zurich Financial. ” http://www.occupy.com/article/global-power-project-part-4-banking-influence-jpmorgan-chase
THE BLAIR’S FAMILY HAS FRIENDSHIPS WITH THE FAMILY OF LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Rothschild,_4th_Baron_Rothschild
“Tony Blair. Illegitimate Son Of Jacob Rothschild….Evidence”
TONY BLAIR IS ALSO A FRIEND OF SIR EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD AND OF HIS WIFE . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Robert_de_Rothschild
” New York’s Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Aug. 23 that Argentina must pay $1.33 billion to the two predatory vulture funds—NML Capital and Aurelius—that bought up that nation’s debt prior to its 2001 default, at pennies on the dollar, and then demanded payment of the full face value of those bonds after default.
The Circuit Court’s ruling was a scandalous assertion of the vulture funds’ “rights” to loot Argentina, paying scant attention to the legal merits of the case, but rather fulminating against Argentina as a “uniquely recalcitrant debtor” which hadn’t shown proper respect for the killer vultures. ”
” Speaking for the three-judge panel, Circuit Judge Barrington Parker, nominated to the court by G.W. BUSH, rejected Argentina’s predictions of economic disaster, in the event of a ruling against it. “What the consequences predicted by Argentina have in common is that they are speculative, hyperbolic and almost entirely of the republic’s own making.” http://larouchepac.com/node/27873
“David Mills was subsequently charged with money laundering and tax crimes (indicted July 2006) as a cohort of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, an ally of the Cheney-Blair-Bush war axis.”