Sbusiso Xaba


There are various participants in the workplace, namely, external and internal stakeholders. The external participants are customers, suppliers and the community. Internal participants are owners, blue-collar workers and white-collar workers. These participants have different roles, responsibilities and relationships with the workplace and with each other. The contemporary structure of reward and recognition is disproportionate with the contribution of various stakeholders. In terms of this structure the higher the contribution the lower the rewards and vice versa.

Customers are consumers of workplace products therefore the reason for existence of the enterprise. Suppliers provide critical ingredients for products while the owner provides the capital to start the workplace. Owners are rewarded through dividends and surplus extraction methods. The community regulates workplace behaviour through legislation and taxes. It further provides common infrastructure and platforms to conduct business. It is rewarded through taxes and other corporate social responsibility programs. Their relationship with production is clear and their contribution is measurable although the fair value question remains.


Social ills in African communities are connected to dysfunctional relationships between parents and children, among siblings, relatives, friends, generations, colleagues and lovers. An evaluation of the sources of murder, robbery, housebreaking, fraud, substance abuse and all other self inflicted social ills, confirms the interrelation between these vices and dysfunctional relationships.

The extent of this social deficiency is self evident in murder and suicide statistics. It is an established trend that the first suspect in investigation of gruesome murders is usually the victim’s spouse. It is sad that most murders occurs with spouses involvement in the planning or/and execution. The public domain is full of insurance spouse payouts schemes; prisons are full of domestic violence related offenders; and the courts hear bitter accusations and counter-accusations between spouses or ex-lovers.

High teenage suicide crisis is another reflection of this social crisis. The main cause of these young lives cut short is disappointments by lovers, parents’ expectations and bullying by peers.

Indeed personal relationships are a cultural matter. The rules of engagement, expectations and conducts are defined within a cultural context. There are visible community scars resulting in centuries of active and consistent cultural genocide directed at African people. The resilience of African culture is taking a toll and therefore the centre no longer holds hence community disorientation. The cultural disorientation of Africans has resulted in collapse of personal relationship pillars. Individualism, pride, ego, showing off and self centeredness were heavily discouraged within African communities in favour of collective values and common good. An individual is nurtured to develop personality traits that enhance the strength of relationships.

The cultural chaos visited upon us has deprived Africans of their most productive time in their lives. This crisis demonstrates that economic trends play a crucial role in the cultural development and outlook of a people. The gender war is also caused by shallow assimilation to foreign culture which hits during the peak of the individual’s economic participation. This is the age of thirty to fifty when a person has acquired skills and substantial experience to contribute to society productively. It is for this reason that culture is consistently assaulted. The assault is designed to guarantee permanent dominion of Africa’s enemies.


The world is ruled by private corporations. These entities are mainly registered as public companies although there is nothing public about them and are commonly referred to as international companies although they belong to few European tribes. The hegimony of white supremacy asserts that international means Caucasian while others are regarded as subjects.

The primary functions of these institutions are to pay more than expected dividends to shareholders and expand market share. These functions can only be sustainable under a corporate friendly legal framework and therefore puppets governments are necessary tools to create conducive environment for these corporations. As such these companies demand ‘investor’ friendly environment which simply put means subordinating citizens and national interests to interests of a few shareholders. Elements of this pro-investor environment include market reservation, anti-competitiveness practices, tax breaks, public funded guarantees and excellent free infrastructure.


Many developing and underdeveloped countries are suffering from the brain drain phenomenon. African countries in particular are loosing people with technical qualifications and experience that have been acquired through enormous public funds. It is worth noting that macroeconomic factors and political dynamics are widely mentioned while micro-economic factors remain hidden on the blind spot of social commentary. It is at micro-economic level where factors such as white supremacy, foolishness and leadership ineptitude are conspicuously glaring.

European descendants in Africa are radically opposed to follow African leadership. Their conviction to white supremacy presumptions compel them to emigrate rather that submitting to African majority rule. They cannot allow affirmative action to compromise their integrity. Their racist ideological obsession will not let them accept supervision and management by a ‘kaffir’.


The skills shortage that is loudly pronounced in the so called developing nations is nothing but a fallacy. This perception of skills shortage is skilfully designed to cheat workers of their true labour’s worth and so is the abused concept of productivity. This in turn instills a sense of helplessness and powerlessness amongst workers which then fuels exploitation.

The skills shortage phenomenon reflects a failure in people management processes marred by the bad culture of managing by egos and comfort zone that manifests itself through prejudice, nepotism and favoritism in the workplace. The purported skills shortage does not reveal lack of occupational proficiency.


Human capital experts tell the world that the payment structure in a workplace is based on a logical formula consisting of complex variables namely the function complexity, skill scarcity, skill criticality, undesirability, risk, accountability and responsibility. It is rational expectation that the higher the indicator on a variable the higher the compensation.

It is also sensible to conclude that work experience and academic qualifications assist the recruiters to determine the best candidate for the position. This skill and credential matrix is forwarded in sophisticated microeconomic platforms as the foundation for the remuneration system.

The majority of workplace participants believe that the current remuneration structure is natural. It is accepted as the only way to determine appropriate remuneration. The corporate captains and industry bosses on the top of the remuneration scale vow that they perform the most complex functions. They say they possess the scarcest skills and hold the highly undesirable jobs. It is their strong view that their position put them in the highest category of health, emotional and physical risk. It is killing a sacred cow to question superiority of accountability and responsibility levels of members at the top of industry echelon. But is this myth really true?


The proponents of the ill-conceived Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and baffling Taxi Recapitalisation schemes swear that their conspiring is in the national interest. They take advantage of disintegrated and poor planned public transport system that mushroomed overtime, to pursue their questionable agenda. The intention of these two programs is nothing but a concerted dubious effort to destroy the only authentic African dominated business sector.

It is fascinating that the neo-colonial government in South Africa is angered by African success, outside their blessing, in the same way settler colonial regime was. It is because of this anger that these schemes continue the same disruptive practices of the previous settler colonial regime which used railway police during the seventies, traffic police in the eighties and third force driven taxi violence of the nineties to frustrate the taxi industry. The metro police in this decade have solo focus of stopping taxi vehicles while corporate busses remain untouched even when they are responsible for gruesome accidents on national roads.

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