Motsoko Pheko
“Colonialists stole not only the lands of African people and renamed them. They stole also their knowledge, so that they would know nothing about themselves”
Muziwakhe Limbede
“My heart yearns for an Africa that is no more, but I shall labour for a new, free, independent and sovereign Africa that shall be respected by nations of the world”
Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
“The job of a revolutionary is, of course, to overthrow unjust systems and replace them with just systems because a revolutionary understands this can only be done by the masses of the people. So, the task of the revolutionary is to organize the masses of the people, given the conditions of the Africans around the world who are disorganized, consequently all my efforts are going to organizing people.”
Marcus Garvey
“The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness”